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A Bride for Logan Page 12

  On Sunday, Rusty barked for the first time. He ran to the door, repeating his squeaky bark. Emma peered out through the sitting-room window to see Logan at the door, dressed in his suit and string tie. She opened the door and had to stifle herself from running into his arms to confess her love. He always looked so handsome when dressed for church. He stepped inside, smiling as usual.

  “You’d better muzzle that dog—his bark nearly scared me to death.”

  Emma laughed. “Should I tie him to the porch before we go? His isn’t fussy about where he does his business.”

  “I’ll do it. Are you ready?”

  “Yes. I just need to grab my reticule.”

  Emma stepped out on the porch, her reticule on her arm, and she overheard Logan talking to Rusty as he tied him.

  “Guard the house, Rusty.”

  Rusty replied with a squeaky woof.

  Emma smiled.

  On the ride into town, Emma tried to think of the best way to tell Logan she loved him. It had to be sometime that day. Given there was another woman in Logan’s life, she knew it had to be soon. She recognized that the woman might have been there on business, but it made her aware that she needed to claim him as hers before someone else did.

  The sermon was about forgiveness. She wondered if Joshua Price had written it with Logan’s problem in mind. The sermon ended with a verse from Ephesians: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

  The congregation sang a hymn to close the service, and people turned to greet one another and chat. Emma saw Alan in the front row, so she moved to greet him. She thought Logan was behind her, but when she looked, he was standing in the yard, talking to a woman. When the woman turned, Emma recognized her as the one who’d visited the ranch the other day. She halted and switched directions, sidled up to Logan, and slid her hand possessively through his arm. It was the boldest move she’d ever made, but when Logan looked down at her, he smiled—his eyes lit up with joy. Emma returned his smile. He pressed her arm close to his body, which felt, to Emma, like an arm hug.

  “Emma, I’d like you to meet Cynthia Price, Joshua’s wife.”

  His words brought even more happiness—she was Joshua’s wife!

  Logan continued, “Cynthia, this is my…” Logan faltered for a word.

  “Best friend,” Emma inserted for him. Standing there with him hugging her arm filled Emma with bliss. Things were going to work out, she just knew it. She could tell from Logan’s smile and the sparkle in his eyes that he knew it, too.

  “Pleased to meet you,” Emma said to Cynthia.

  Cynthia excused herself to speak to the others, and Alan joined them. They talked about everyday things to which Emma hardly paid attention. Her mind was on how she might tell Logan she loved him. Should she simply blurt it out on the way home? Maybe she should suggest they go for a walk, but it looked like rain. Logan nudged her from her thoughts. He was bidding goodbye to Alan and reminding her to do the same.

  “Come for dinner next week,” he said as Alan headed for his horse.

  “Bye, Alan,” Emma said. To Logan, she whispered, “Sorry, I was lost in thought.”

  He loosened his hug on her arm. “Since it’s Irma’s day off, how about a picnic lunch?”

  “That’s a grand idea, but it looks like rain.”

  “It does, doesn’t it?” Logan shrugged. “I’ve already packed our meal.”

  “We should get home, poor Rusty will get wet if it rains. We can eat the lunch there.”

  Emma thought it the perfect place to tell Logan she loved him. Though, she had the feeling he knew, he still needed to hear it.

  By the time they'd reached the cottage, the sun had broken through the clouds.

  “Looks like it won’t rain after all,” Logan said as they jumped down from the buggy.

  Rusty wagged his tail and jumped up and down.

  They both bent to pet Rusty and Logan said, “I have something to tell you.”

  “Let’s go inside. We can eat our lunch and talk,” Emma said.

  They sat in the sitting room and Emma unwrapped their sandwiches.

  Before biting into his sandwich, Logan said, “I’ve forgiven Rachel.”

  “That’s fantastic news. I’m glad. I love Rachel.”

  Logan added, “If I’m to follow God’s word, I have to. It took me a while to convince myself, but I know it will alleviate some of my anguish and maybe start to heal my heart.”

  Emma took the uneaten sandwich from Logan and placed it on the end table with hers.

  “I have something I need to tell you, as well.”

  Logan’s face softened as if he knew what she was about to say. He moved closer on the settee and put both of his hands on her cheeks. “I want to see your eyes while you tell me,” he whispered.

  Their eyes met. His eyes searched hers as she murmured softly, “I love you, Logan.”

  Logan let out the breath he’d inadvertently been holding. He pulled her gently to her feet and embraced her. He said not a word, but he held her tightly. Finally, he loosened his hold and said, “I’ve waited so long to hear those words. Say them again.”

  “I’m sorry it took so long, but I needed to be sure. I love you, Logan, and I have Cynthia Price to thank for making me realize it at last.”

  “Cynthia?” Logan asked.

  “I didn’t know if the feelings I had for you were sympathy or gratitude, but I knew I felt a strong attachment to you. When I saw you with Cynthia by the barn the other day, I knew it had to be love because I couldn’t stand to see you with someone else. Surely, I wouldn’t feel jealous if my feelings were only due to sympathy or gratitude. It had to be love, and I knew it as sure as I knew my own name.”

  Logan smiled. “Silly girl. You knew I was in love with you. How could I be interested in someone else? My love for you has grown stronger each day. No one can take your place in my heart. I gave you freedom because I loved you enough to let you go, if that’s what you wanted.” He squeezed her tightly. “Tell me you’ll agree to marry me—for real this time.”

  Emma was so filled with joy she felt like she was floating on air. The mood prompted her to playfulness. “Was that a proposal? Shouldn’t you be on your knees?”

  Logan released her and knelt before her. “Will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Sinclair?”

  Emma tapped her chin. “Since I can’t live without you, I might as well live with you…as your wife. Yes, Logan!”

  Logan rose, swung her around, and embraced her again. “We’ve never kissed except that small peck for Prudence’s benefit. May I kiss you now, Emma?”

  She put her arms around his neck. “Not if I kiss you first.” She positioned her lips on his, and they kissed. She’d never had a romantic kiss before, and she kept bringing her lips to his at different angles to get the most benefit.

  Logan groaned. “Stop,” he said, gently removing her arms from around his neck. “I don’t think we should kiss again until we’re married.”

  “I think I can guess why,” she said, smiling up at him. “Let’s do it soon.”



  Logan and Emma married in the barn a week later. The entire congregation attended, including Alan, Rachel, and Tim. Prudence sent a card with a gift because she couldn’t make it due to morning sickness.

  The Judge and Mrs. McGregor, the owners of the barn, provided refreshments after the ceremony.

  Emma sipped a cup of punch and watched her handsome husband talk about horses with several men.

  Alan approached and congratulated her. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that you two finally got things right.”

  “I wanted to be sure, Alan. Imagine telling someone you loved them on the spur of the moment and have to take it back later.”

  Alan nodded. “You did the right thing because Logan would never have recovered from another rejection. I’m happy to see Tim and Rachel here. They’re a g
reat couple.”

  “My husband is a forgiving man, and I’m proud of him.”

  “Watching the two of you makes me yearn for a partner, too.”

  “Have you anyone in mind?”

  “Nah, there aren’t many eligible women in Hunter’s Grove. I hear the railroad might be coming through here soon, and that will bring a lot of new residents in, but I don’t think I want to wait that long.”

  “I’m sorry, Alan. Maybe you could spend more time in Hays or Abilene to meet someone.”

  Alan moved closer and spoke in a low voice. “I was thinking of putting an ad for a mail-order bride in the Matrimonial News.”

  “I’ve heard about that. Be careful, though.”

  “I’d correspond with a prospective bride for a while first. A friend of mine in Russell got a mail-order bride, and he’s happy.”

  Logan came by, put an arm around his wife, and smiled proudly at the two of them. “She’s taken, Alan. Look at the finger on her left hand—I’ve branded her.”

  The three of them laughed.

  Alan clapped Logan on the back. “So, you have. Congratulations. I couldn’t be happier for you both.”

  Someone approached Alan, and he turned away with a wave.

  Logan whispered in his wife’s ear. “Let’s go home. We need to consummate this marriage before you change your mind.”

  Emma smiled up at him. “Lead the way.”


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  A complete list of Proxy Bride Books.

  A Bride for Jeremiah by Christine Sterling

  A Bride for Clay by Marianne Spitzer

  A Bride for Nathan by Barbara Goss

  A Bride for Abel by Cyndi Raye

  A Bride for Finn by Linda Ellen

  A Bride for Carter by Wendy May Andrews

  A Bride for Charles by H. L. Roberts

  A Bride for Sterling by Parker J. Cole

  A Bride for Henry by Pauline Creeden

  A Bride for Elijah- Christine Sterling

  A Bride for Travis-Barbara Goss

  A Bride for Sam-Linda Ellen

  A Bride for Valentin- Parker Cole

  A Bride for Calvin -Cyndi Raye

  A Bride for Ransom-Wendy Andrews

  A Bride for James-Pauline Jim Creeden

  A Bride for Gideon – Caroline Clemmons

  A Bride for Darryl – Marissa Masterson

  A Bride for Logan – Barbara Goss

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  Sweet Wild West Reads is a Facebook group and a wonderful place for sweet western romance authors and readers to discuss their favorite stories, thoughts, and authors. Join the group at

  Other books by Barbara Goss:

  1. Forbidden Legacy

  2. Captured Heart

  3. Stolen Heritage

  4. Dangerous Illusions

  5. Silent Love

  6. The Final Vow

  7. The Kissing Bridge

  8. Drawn from Darkness

  9. Temptation by Moonlight

  10. The Romantic Ruse

  11. Shadow of Shame

  12. Shadow of Deceit

  13. Shadow of Regret

  14. Shadow of Hope

  15. Shadow of Love

  16. Shadow of Faith

  17. Shadow of Second Chances

  18. Sunshine in the Rain

  19. Yesterday’s Rain

  20. Mail Order Mishap Book 1

  21. Mail Order Vixen Book 2

  22. Mail Order Ruse book 3

  23 Mail Order Calamity Book 4

  24 Mail Order Compromise Book 5

  25. The Guilty Proposal

  26. The Reckless Proposal

  27. The Shotgun Proposal

  28. The Housekeeper’s Proposal

  29. Dan McCall’s Bride

  30. Looking for Love:

  31. Delightfully Deluded

  32. Ricochet Romance 2 books in one

  33. Wanted: Horse Breeder - Silverpines Series

  34. Wanted: A Trusting Heart – Silverpines Series

  35. Lawfully: Rescued

  36. A Bride for Nathan

  37. The Trapper

  38. A Bride for Travis

  39. Hope (Prairie Rose Series)

  40. The Secret Diary (Lockets and Lace Series)

  41. A Bride for Logan

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  I’m now working on The Marshal’s Promise. It should be out midsummer.

  Thank you for choosing to buy my book. God bless you and yours.
